Monday, January 22, 2007

OIC. No ic.

Apparently, panties are getting bunched by the spread in usage of the Mangler-in-Chief's way of referring to his opposing party.

Bush has, for a while now, spoken of the "Democrat Party." This grates on the ears of the Democratic Party faithful, and they haven't been quiet about it.

Unsurprisingly, as soon as the rightwingnuts saw how well this worked, they gleefully adopted the tactic. But now the "liberal" media is starting to say it, too. And … well … This. Can. Not. Stand.

Or so say some.

Michelle Pilecki makes a pretty good case about why it matters so much, over on The Huffington Post. She refers to it as a "slur."

But you know what? I'm not buying it. I've noticed Bush & Co. saying it, but it would never have occurred to me to take it as a slur. In fact, I can't think of anything dumber to worry about. We're beset by about nine hundred dreadful problems, and the Democrats are once again letting themselves become distracted by something so inane that it doesn't even merit the term "issue."

My advice to the Democrats: Chill. Do your job. Be icy, not icky.

1 comment:

Sornie said...

A speaking gaffe from a man who may or may not be mildly retarded, why I never!
