Friday, February 23, 2007

The Search is Over

I have found universal confluence. On Cute Overload, no less.

Who knew?


Peacechick Mary said...

The eyebrow, the eyebrow! That's the key. I also love Cute Overload for a daily dose of "things can't be all bad."

bjkeefe said...

Ah, yes. The eyebrow is key. The only question is, whose was better, Spock's or McCoy's?

C.O. is is a useful daily anodyne, isn't it? The words are a little sick-making, but the pictures are great.

Brando said...

I have to vote McCoy's. It was so...coy.

C.O. does know how to bring the cute.

bjkeefe said...

I think you're right, Brando. I'm pretty sure Bones could use both, independently, and in both directions, whereas Spock could only lift the left.

Which, now that I reread the last three words, isn't such a minor thing.
