Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Web Chill

I recently came across a site that streams "chill" music. If you like this sort of music, visit: HelpMeChill and click the "Listen Live" button in the upper right corner.

A smaller pop-up window will appear -- without any "play" button -- the music will eventually just start playing. It takes a few seconds on my system, which may be due to initial buffering. You should see a message in small type in the pop-up window that it is "initiating media" while the wait happens.

For a truly bizarre experience, do this on two computers at once.

Recommendations for others in this genre most welcome.


Peacechick Mary said...

Very, very nice. Smooth and peaceful. Funny, tho, when I first read your post, I thought it said, Chili music and since I'm making chili tonight...Anyway, this is perfect.

bjkeefe said...

Were you Googling for a recipe? ;^)

Jinnet said...

Hearts of Space?


bjkeefe said...

Thanks for the recommendation, Jinnet. It appears that you have to either pay for access to the archives, or hit the stream site at the right time to listen -- free listening (with registration) on Sundays only, it looks like.

Maybe I'm missing something.

But I'll keep it in mind, and hope to remember to re-visit this Sunday.

bjkeefe said...

SomaFM looks promising. Several channels available, and in a variety of formats.

Another possibility: TastyCast.

Guess these will get me started, but keep your recommendations coming!
