Thursday, November 10, 2011

The Whole World Is Laughing

Somewhere in Texas, a village is missing its idiot.

(alt. video link)

Your savior of the Republican Party, ladies and gentleman.


Ocean said...


I guess that the take home message for Romney is that he doesn't really need to do anything but sit nicely and smile. The rest of them make way for him by tripping over themselves and falling off the track.

J. A. Baker said...


This moron is my governor?!

Oy. I need a stiff drink...

bjkeefe said...

LOL @ JAB. You're just now figuring this out? ;)

Ocean: I'm afraid you're right about Willard, although I continue to be pleased by just how little the GOP base likes him, no matter how furiously he panders to them.

James Briggs Stratton "Doghouse" Riley said...

Y'know, here's the thing: Nabokov was such a poor extemporaneous speaker he read his lectures off index cards. In 1976 there was a huge artificial Presidential debate tsimmes because Gerald Ford said that Poland was not under the domination of the Soviet Union. He clearly misspoke, but the punditocracy reacted as though he'd said the earth was flat and he could prove it.

On the other hand, Perry's an idiot, and he doesn't have to display Texas Governor Syndrome to prove it. It's not the misstatements, it's the obvious fact that he can't get his head around simple concepts his handlers try to stuff in there. And he doesn't get called on it, really, until it reaches the point of complete meltdown.

bjkeefe said...

Pretty sure we agree on this one, DR. Usually, I'm as impatient as anyone about the feeding frenzy provoked by a slip of tongue, a momentary brainlock, whatever. But then there are times like this, when I am just cold turning cartwheels, because I know this'll make the truth clear to all the low information voters.

Were I dictator of education, everyone would be required to read at least two books by Molly Ivins on this clown. Since I'm not, I'll take this moment, and gladly.

J. A. Baker said...

No, I've known he's been a moron for a long time. I live here, after all. :-P

I just can't believe that Perry's moronitude is this bad. And for my fellow Texans to have given him electoral victory after electoral victory doesn't speak kindly of their intelligence, either.

bjkeefe said...

I conjecture that a big part of why he keeps getting elected is that the bidnessmen think he's (1) a useful idiot, and (2) an honest politician; i.e., he stays bought.

Ocean said...

Does anybody know what the third department was?

bjkeefe said...


But don't you think it's more fun to guess? Not to mention make something up?

TC said...

He came out later and said the 3rd one was the Department of Energy. How do you expect anyone to remember 3 things if you've only been briefed for a week? I guess we've just done way too much planning for energy, when there's so much oil in Texas. What's there to talk and plan about, just drill, baby, drill.
