Tuesday, March 21, 2006

RFQCC: Notes on Spyware Removal

Request For Questions, Comments, and Criticisms

I have posted some notes on spyware removal (for Windows machines) on my web site.

Please feel free to comment on them, either from the persective of a regular user, or as someone with more smarts on the matter than I have. (There is a link back to this post at the end of the notes.)

As always, I'm also seeking input from the wordsmiths and wessons among you.



Anonymous said...

I use Spybot, for no other reason than my computer consuntants (i.e., straggily-bearded young men who weigh in at about 50% of me) installed it.

bjkeefe said...

There are only two kinds of computer consultants. When you place one example of each side-by-side, it looks like the number 10.

The presence or absence of facial hair for hardware types seems to be gender-independent.

The way-cool, clean-shaven (usually), trim but well-muscled (eight years ago) software guy
