Tuesday, February 07, 2006

What's The Limit On This Credit Card, Anyway?

From an article in today's NYTimes, titled "Bush Budget Plan for $2.77 Trillion Stresses Security:"
As the president was taking office in January 2001, the Congressional Budget Office projected that the federal budget would run a surplus in excess of $5.6 trillion between 2002 and 2011. Now, after tax cuts, a terror attack, a recession and a war in Iraq that has proven far more expensive than the administration projected, the budget office predicts deficits for the five years starting Oct. 1 totaling more than $2.2 trillion.

I knew when I cashed that $300 check in the summer of 2001 that my guilt was well-founded.

And how many times have we heard this man promise to "cut the deficit in half in the next five years?" When, exactly, is day one of the next five years?

But thank goodness we're slashing funding for frivolities like education, environmental protection, and insulating poor people's houses.

Ladies and gentlemen, the Compassionate Conservative. Let's give him a big hand.


bjkeefe said...

On a related note, we'll let the always wonderful Molly Ivins take the floor.

Anonymous said...

Biggest deficit and largest budget ever. And that doesn't even take into account "off budget" items, like the Iraq War.
