Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Voter Intimidation, Teabagger-Style

Back in 2008, I posted several items related to the hysteria wingnuts always try to gin up about VOTER FRAUD!!!1!, which is almost entirely non-existent, since there's a world of difference between being able to register to vote as, say, Mickey Mouse, and being able to vote under that name. I also called attention to the real, well-documented efforts that Republicans have long used to suppress voting using various dirty tricks, most notably and heinously, a variety of tactics seeking to intimidate people who are not white. Click the label below this post, if you're interested in learning more.

The NYT has an article up today indicating that this just keeps on keeping on. The new variation? A bunch of teabaggers plan to stand outside polling stations, to harass "individual voters at the polls whom they suspect of being ineligible."

Presumably the detection mechanisms used by the teabaggers to determine ineligibility will be some blend of the never-fail criteria employed by Arizonans to detect Teh Elleegulls and Wan Williams to detect Teh Muslins.

Easy enough to ignore, you say? Suppose you went to vote by yourself and encountered something looking like this:

teabaggers and wingnuts at a pro-gun rally

There are other techniques described in the article, such as specious accusations against various get-out-the-vote groups ("CONNECTED TO THE NEW BLACK PANTHERS!!!1!") and billboards designed to intimidate people into not showing up in the first place.

I encourage you to read the article. This is what "democracy" looks like when you let the RealAmericans™ define it.

(pic. source)


Twin said...

Presumably the detection mechanisms used by the teabaggers to determine ineligibility will be some blend of the never-fail criteria employed by Arizonans to detect Teh Elleegulls and Wan Williams to detect Teh Muslins.

Bottom line for Democrats is this: Leave the garb at home on election day!!1!

bjkeefe said...

Except for the facemasks, of course. Unless you like getting your face ground under foot, I mean.
