Friday, March 30, 2007

Cable TV Goes Blank?

One good thing about the insanely long presidential campaign "season" in this country is that reporters are pushed to new limits of creativity to find something to say about the "race."

Take this WaPo story: "Fred Thompson's Presidential Hopes Could Put 'Law' Reruns in Lockup."

That's right. If the guy who's not a D.A. but plays one on TV goes much further, then due to considerations of equal time on the airwaves (even if they're not really the airwaves anymore), no more Law & Order reruns for you.

Which, I have to say, is almost enough to make me contribute to his campaign.

(Hat tip, for the link, to Andy Bowers, who in the same story has posted a fake campaign ad for Thompson that he made. This "ad" is preceded by a real ad -- meta madness! -- but it's pretty funny.)


2007-03-30 17:17 EDT

See Mere Rhetoric for another funny post on Thompson.

1 comment:

bjkeefe said...

All right, all right. So you're here to rant about my diss of your favorite show.

Go ahead. Bring it on.

Me, I once heard a friend say, "That's not a show. That's an outline for a show."

I'm still searching for something more pithy.

And more dismissive.
