Saturday, March 03, 2007

Firefox on Ubuntu Linux - "Personal Security Manager" problem

If you're running Firefox (v1.5) on Ubuntu Linux, and you suddenly find a problem with connecting to secure sites, there are some notes on my Ubuntu blog. Let me know if you want details -- the notes are a little terse.

Bottom line: upgrade to v2.0.0.2 fixed the immediate problem, although upgrade not done through Upgrade Manager, so I'm unsure what happens next time v1.5 or v2 updates are released.


Anonymous said...


I'm running
Ubuntu 6.06 LTS (The Dapper Drake)
and had the same problem with Ubuntu/dapper-security Firefox/

I then removed firefox with synaptics and
directly reinstalled.

After this procedure the problem was gone.

Hope this helps,

bjkeefe said...

Thanks for the addtional data, Stephan.

I think I remember seeing something on the Ubuntu forums about a possible workaround involving deleting your profile and creating a new one. I suspect that your reinstallation had this effect.
