Monday, February 13, 2006


Okay, not really.

But this story does turn the headline "VP Assassination Attempt!!!" on its ear, doesn't it?

You have to wonder, considering the last VP to serve under a president named Bush, about the irony of Cheney going quail hunting, though.

It's also fun to ponder the reaction of Justice Scalia, the next time he gets invited along to slaughter some fowl.


Anonymous said...

I love this story. Did you notice that the White House sat on it for 24 hours?

bjkeefe said...

Oh, yes, I did notice that.

Put it in the category of "completely unsurprising."

It's actually a bit peculiar that they did sit on it, because you had to know that the story was going to get out quick.

I guess they figured they could control the Secret Service agents, paramedics, hospital personnel, and the hunt hosts for that long, and they probably wanted to make sure that the victim was okay so the spokesdrones could say he was laughing and joking.

bjkeefe said...

You don't think Cheney will say something to him like: "Oh, only $2000 again? Remember, I know where you hunt . . .?"

Anonymous said...

By now you've probably all heard that Molly Ivins suggested that he was drunk and they had to sober him up for a day before he could appear on TV. Then Cheney said the next day that he'd only had one beer. That night on David Letterman, Dave showed the audience the one beer that he had had, and it was the size of a 55 gallon barrel. TC
p.s. This is mainly a test to see if I can post when I lowered my cookier blocker security.

bjkeefe said...

Good to see you, TC!

The more that I think about it, the more I am convinced that Cheney was drunk while hunting. The delay is best explained this way.

I have also heard that:

1. The victim, in a post-hospital press conference, said that the shooting happened Friday, not Saturday. The spokesdrones, of course, were called out to re-clarify.

2. The local sheriff was denied access to Cheney on the alleged night of the shooting.

Far be it from me to spread rumors via the Internet, though . . .
