Saturday, September 09, 2006

Okay, here's one thing I don't miss about LA

I'm in a Starbucks in Valencia (or is it Santa Clarita?), and I have now heard for the 87th time and I haven't even finished my first cup of coffee ...

"Have a great day!"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nobody knows where Santa Clarita is exactly. You may also know that it's not a Spanish name honoring "Little Saint Clare" as the name seems to imply. Actually a few years ago they had a contest to see what they wanted to call the new development. "Santa Clarita" won out in the voting, I guess because it sounded sort of hispanicky.

Which makes me wonder where we got the name Santa Claus for old Saint Nick. The masculine form of Saint in Spanish is "San" as in "San Diego" (Saint James) and "San Francisco" (Saint Francis) It seems like it should be "San Klaus" rather than the feminine "Santa". In German it's "Sankt Nikolaus" I wonder why we took the feminine form in Spanish when it got translated into English?

Have a great day! LOL
