Friday, December 22, 2006

Wii Bow Down

I like to think of myself as a geek, but Jon Peck makes me realize that I'm still using training wheels, or maybe even still wearing training pants.

That's a compliment. (But you knew that.)

I'm still learning how to pronounce "Wii." Jon's already hacking it.


Zo Kwe Zo said...

I'm definitely impressed with the how, I just don't get the why. Sadly born too early to understand the allure of video games, I guess.

bjkeefe said...

Yeah. I'm exclusively with the how, too.

I was born just early enough to be wowed by Pong and the coin-operated classics, like Pac Man and Ms. Pac Man, Space Invaders, Asteroids, and my all-time favorite, Missile Command (seen in the beginning of T2).

I have in my life made one New Year's resolution that I actually kept: I won't put a quarter in a machine that I don't already play.

It worked out well. Slowly, the games that I played got taken out of bars and replaced with new games. This meant that I was weaned, not made to go through cold turkey. And it was always easy to resist new games -- it cost ten or twenty bucks to get the hang of any of them.

I have nothing against the gamers. I have a fear of my own ACD, is all, so I have continued to resist trying any new game. I could care less about most of the shooting games, but when I read about Second Life, say, I get seriously scared.

I mean, who would feed my cats?
