Saturday, June 07, 2008


Here is Matt Taibbi's promotional video for his new book, The Great Derangement: A Terrifying True Story of War, Politics, and Religion at the Twilight of the American Empire:

(alt. video link)

Swiped from Guzman at JAZZ from HELL. Also from that post: a link to Guzman's October 2007 interview of Taibbi, which itself includes some more good links.


Anonymous said...

Good video, and a sad reminder of what we've been through these last 7 years. Looks like a good book, too. Does Taibbi have a regular column in Rolling Stone (I guess I could go look, huh?) I haven't followed his writing; my only familiarity with him comes from his Bill Mahar appearances...

bjkeefe said...

Taibbi had, and maybe still has, a regular column in RS. Or, at the very least, he continues to appear.

RS, like so many other sites that won't listen to me, is not particularly good at maintaining dedicated home pages for individual contributors. This page was a start, but it looks like it went stale -- it shows his columns through Aug 2006. Or, it maybe that at that time, Taibbi changed from doing a regular column and went to irregular features. I do know he was undercover with the fundies at around this time.

This Google search returns hits for "taibbi" on the RS site. This one returns hits for "taibbi" on the RS site, mostly restricted to what appeared in the years 2006-2008.

Finally, the RS National Affairs blog is worth subscribing to -- it's usually written by Tim Dickinson (who's pretty good, himself) and usually links to Taibbi's articles as they appear.

I keep thinking about building a page of links to his complete canon, since I enjoy his writing so much. I'm not sure what's stopping me -- laziness or worries that I'd feel like a creepy stalking fanboy. Probably both.

Anywayt, HTH.
