Thursday, June 12, 2008

Not for the first time in my life, I am not proud of my country

Hello, dolly.

Hey, baby.

(h/t: Jesse Taylor, via bean)

Oliver is not happy, either. Nor is Brad.

1 comment:

graz said...

I am no longer shocked by anything sourced from Fox.The "terrorist fist bump" would be included in this point. They purport to be a "news" organization... yet.
This overtly racist wink an' nod crap is offensive to the degree that credence is given to their claim to be a news agency. If the same material were featured on Colbert or the Daily show, as a LIBERAL (thanks Alterman), I would laugh in proportion to how much I could attach it to -say- Fox viewers etc...
I'm not suggesting complacency or acceptance... but what to do?
