One of the deranged Obama-haters over on NoQuarter was only too happy to feature a new RNC-sponsored web site called It's about what you'd expect if you hired a graphic designer to pretty up the paranoid pantings of a political faction that has nothing to offer this election besides the FUD-raising question, What do we REALLY know about Barack Obama???
I was especially amused at the lameness of the poll that appears on the home page, a screen-capture of which appears below.
I suppose the first choice is arguable. About the third, I can only respond, Hey, you say that like it's a bad thing. And as for the second, let me just borrow this image from TRex and ask, how much does this look like the exemplary First Family to you?

Well, I wouldn't characterize myself as a capital L Liberal, but it's time for Liberals to stand up and proclaim loudly and proudly that "Liberal" is not a dirty word. So a true Liberal, like Obama, ought to say something along the lines of:
"Yes, I'm a Liberal, and proud of it. Not only that, but on most of the crucial issues today, a vast majority of the American people are liberal, too. They want to get out of an unjust war that we were misled into pursuing. They want to see better and more affordable health care for themselves and for their families. They want ..." You get the idea.
Probably, though, it's not the best thing for Obama to add winning back the word liberal during this campaign. I'd be ecstatic if he did, but I think it's a fight that not worth him, specifically, having. That should be on the rest of us.
If he can get elected and show how liberal ideas are working, that'll help, and maybe when he's running for reelection, he can raise the flag a little higher.
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