Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Fiddling Ended

Regarding the last post, I have stopped fiddling around. Appearances should be back to normal. Please let me know if you see anything strange.


Beth said...

Darn, I missed the fiddling around.
(Everything looks normal.)

bjkeefe said...

Heh. You didn't miss much.

At one point, all posts were invisible, so it was sort of pointless for me to have said anything.

At any rate, thanks for letting me know that it looks normal now.

Anonymous said...

Well, normal for the bjkeefe blog, maybe... ;)

But seriously. Looks good.

Always thought it was funny you're using the Ann Althouse template. :D

Well, it's close; not identical.

BTW, can you tell the IP address or other information about the people who leave comments?

bjkeefe said...

You mean Althouse copied my template.

No, seriously -- when you start a Blogger blog, this is the first template that shows up. Most of the rest looked a little garish -- like the kind of thing that would be out of fashion in six months. But now that you've reminded me of that unhappiness, maybe it's time for a change.

There is no way for me to tell anything like your IP address through this blog, as far as I know. I suppose I could add some JavaScript code or something to the template to do that, but I have no interest in that information.

Actually, now that I think about it, I stuck some lines of code in once upon a time to collect visitor stats, just to see how it worked. I haven't looked at the results in a while, but as far as I recall, they were just aggregated data; e.g., X visitors the last 24 hours, staying for an average of Y seconds each, clicked Z links to other locations on this site, that sort of thing.

Why do you ask?

Anonymous said...

I hope I didn't make you self-conscious about your blog template; the one you chose is definitely one of the nicer looking ones. I know what you mean about most of the others looking garish.

Thanks for the response about the IP addresses. No real reason for asking, I was just curious if that information was included with comments.
