Tuesday, January 23, 2007

I wish, too

Lisa Margonelli has an excellent post up on her NYT blog, titled The State of Our Energy Policy. [T$]

It's the speech that she wishes President Bush would give tonight -- a realistic assessment of our situation, with plenty of proposals that might actually work. Out with the hydrogen-powered cars and drilling our way to independence, in with practical plans for increased efficiency and conservation. Margonelli gives a number of useful links, as well.

Highly recommended.


Brando said...

"realistic assessment"? Has Bush ever had a realistic assessment of anything?

bjkeefe said...

I did say "she wishes" and "I wish, too."

I have been trying to cut down on my adverbs, but I suppose I should have added "forlornly."

Or maybe I could have titled the post "You Wish!" but I'm not sure that sarcastic-toned putdown lasted much beyond my tween years.
