I just missed getting to level 5 on my first attempt, which I blame mostly on my mouse, and not at all on my vast knowledge.
Thanks, Jinnet. (Who claims to have gotten to level 6, but does not deign to say how many tries it took.)
I just missed getting to level 5 on my first attempt, which I blame mostly on my mouse, and not at all on my vast knowledge.
Thanks, Jinnet. (Who claims to have gotten to level 6, but does not deign to say how many tries it took.)
I got to level 8 and scored 259,755 points on the first try. My traveler's I.Q. was 100. You need 300,000 points to go to level 9, so I missed it by about 40,000 points. Don't forget I taught world history in my past. But I often screw up Guiana with Guinea and things like that which throws me way off on a couple of them. I was often less than 100 km from places in Europe though.
Level 10 first attempt; let down by my execrable knowledge of Africa. Kept going East when the places concerned were west...
First try, level 6 travel IQ 95. One complete guess had me off by about 20,000 k and that was the end ... I would've aced this when I was a kid.
I was very lucky on my first go; I've had another couple of tries and, although I've got to level 10 again on most of them, I haven't yet beaten my first score (IQ 118). Plus it's very much skewed in a European's favour being, I'd imagine, an American creation.
Kyklops - sadly my Canadian geography is APPALLING - keep getting the wrong side of the country entirely!
Great post, Brend...
Level 8 255,682 ... but who has ever heard of Comoros??
The good thing about UK places is that you can never be off by more than a few km!
Another level 10 first attempt.
Did anyone else notice that accuracy counts *far* more than speed? Even if you get an answer in 2 seconds, it's only worth about 200 points or so. I realised quickly that you're better off taking your time to get it right than just having a stab.
I sort of noticed that, but a ticking clock is not something I can keep out of my mind. Not that that's the whole reason. I have only a vague awareness of the location of most non-US cities.
I finished with 403,460 points, with 46,000/50,000 points necessary to advance on level 10 before I was finished. Cheers.
Well done, Adam.
Are you a British by birth? I'm asking due to the combination of "cheers" and your performance on the quiz.
(Note that I'm now reduced to blaming my country, the US, for my comparatively pathetic performance.)
Sorry for not getting back to this one...
No, I am not British.
I correspond with people on the internet who are, thus cheers as my tiding.
I was born in Minnesota and raised and schooled K-Bac. Arts in good 'ole New Jersey. Helpful things to know that might explain my quiz score: I was on the school's science league team and on the team's academic quiz bowl league team. And there were a lot of geography questions.
I know what you mean about picking up Britishisms via written correspondence. It happens to me, too.
Ah, schooled outside the US, though. I did get that part right (K-Bac = Québec, non?) ;^)
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