Sunday, December 04, 2011

No matter how crappy your life seems right now, this will help

The Saddest Book Ever Written

Michael Pemulis is my new hero.

(h/t: @jccherry)


Jack said...

Hey, I just noticed this new comment posted under Michael Pemulis' comment:

"I thought you'd like to know that your review was just quoted on NPR's "Wait, Wait, Don't Tell Me!" news quiz show. Well done! :-)"

Going to have to listen to that podcast!

bjkeefe said...

Heh, yes, I saw that over on Amazon, too. A nice moment for Michael Pemultis, I hope. Be great if he heard it just because he always listens to that show, and not because he got the heads-up from the other commenter.

You know what else was funny about the comments on his review? The overwhelming down-voting that happened to the humorless commenters.

bjkeefe said...

Added: Okay, just Googled that name. Should have paid closer attention to the literate commenter on Amazon. Now I have to fret over whether to go back and put quotes around every time I've mentioned that name.

Jack said...

Ah, very interesting. I saw the Infinite Jest reference in one of the responses earlier and assumed that must be a character from the book.

Imagine! As funny as that Pemulis review is, there's a whole 'nother layer to the joke we're not getting!

I did listen to the WWDTM podcast while at work today. I haven't listened to that in a long time but it reminded me what a fun program it is. And the reading of the review was every bit as funny as I could have hoped for. The audience seemed to really get a kick out of it.

(It comes up at about the 33:00 minute mark, if you want to hear it...)

bjkeefe said...

Thanks. I will check it out later. Is it the most recent one (as of today)?

bjkeefe said...

In answer to my own question: yes.

Since there isn't an obvious way to link to the whole show, I'll add that it's in the fifth segment, "Panel Round Two."
