Monday, July 23, 2007

Who Let The Suit Speak?

In an otherwise entertaining article sent to me by KK, I came across one ear-itant: Hyping a new video (read: commercial) made by Christopher Guest, Intel spokeswoman Nancy Bhagat said: "… the pure entertainment value will be positive for our brand imagery."

Sheesh. Can't you people keep your jargon straight? Stale though the phrase may be, brand image is what you wanted. Imagery is what you say when you want to be pompous about some pictures that your spy satellite took.

And speaking of ear-itants, do you suddenly find yourself chanting "who, who, who-who?"

Sorry about all this. I haven't had much coffee yet.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's not the sound of 'who, who', but those subtle 'peeps, peeps.'
