Thursday, September 17, 2009

Orly Taitz Spanked

Orly TaitzYou absolutely must read the judge's decision (14 page PDF -- a quick read, you can skip the obvious boilerplate) in the lawsuit filed by the Queen B of the Birthers. The word "birther" is used repeatedly, and even the footnotes are sarcastic. Money quote from the intro:

After conducting a hearing on Plaintiff’s motion, the Court finds that Plaintiff’s claims are frivolous. Accordingly, her application for a temporary restraining order (Doc. 3) is denied, and her Complaint is dismissed in its entirety. Furthermore, Plaintiff’s counsel is hereby notified that the filing of any future actions in this Court, which are similarly frivolous, shall subject counsel to sanctions.

This is the second time (here's the first) Taitz has found some sap in the US military to go along with an idea of "I won't go to a combat zone, because it's illegal for our illegal Commander in Chief to illegally order me to." The judge is none too kind to the soldier, either, one Captain Connie Rhodes, saying among other things:

The American taxpayers paid for her third and fourth years of medical school and financially supported her during her subsequent medical internship and residency program. In exchange for this valuable free medical education, Captain Rhodes agreed to serve two years in active service in the Army. She began that term of active service in July of 2008 and had no concerns about fulfilling her military obligation until she received orders notifying her that she would be deployed to Iraq in September of 2009.


Her “conscientious objections” to serving under the current Commander in Chief apparently can be accommodated as long as she is permitted to remain on American soil.

Expect the usual suspects to howl about the LIBERAL JUDGE DISRESPECTING THE TROOPS. You'll know, though they won't, because wingnuts rarely use the Google when the facts might interfere with the fauxtrage, that he was appointed by George W. Bush.

(h/t: Jim Newell | pic. source)

1 comment:

Paul said...

The birthers, the tea baggers, the screamers, and the deathers continued extreme minority presence will become tiresome to mainstream America, if it has not already done so. To all the birthers in La, La Land, it is on you to prove to all of us that your assertion is true, if there are people who were there and support your position then show us the video (everyone has a price), either put up or frankly shut-up. I heard Orly Taitz, is selling a tape (I think it’s called “Money, Lies and Video tape”). She is from Orange County, CA, now I know what the mean when they say “behind the Orange Curtain”, when they talk about Orange County, the captial of Conspiracy Theories. You know Obama has a passport, he travel abroad before he was a Senator, but I guess they were in on it. In my opinion the Republican Party has been taken over the most extreme religious right (people who love to push their beliefs on others while trying to take away the rights of those they just hate) and that’s who they need to extract from their party if they real want to win. Good Luck, because as they said in WACO, “We Ain’t Coming Out”. I heard that she now wants to investigate the “Republican 2009 Summer of Love” list: Assemblyman, Michael D. Duvall (CA), Senator John Ensign (NV), Senator Paul Stanley (TN), Governor Mark Stanford (SC), Board of Ed Chair, and Kristin Maguire AKA Bridget Keeney (SC).
