Sunday, September 13, 2009

Blogroll Update

I am reminded by a recent comment of something I meant to note long ago: Righteous Bubba is now Substance McGravitas. You should adjust your bookmarks, feed-readers, blogrolls, etc., so that they now point to The House of Substance. Looks like he brought along all the goodness of the RB archives.

Unknown why he changed his name and his digs. I'm guessing it's because "Righteous Bubba" has been banned from too many wingnut blogs because he's so good at exposing their nonsense.

Anyway, now you know. Visit early and often. His blog, too, I mean.

1 comment:

Substance McGravitas said...

Unknown why he changed his name and his digs.

The name was stupid, so I chose something less foolish.

Many thanks.
