Monday, September 14, 2009

Healthy Perspective

Who knew? Turns out there was something else good written on the eleventh of this month besides that other thing. Alex Pareene says "Happy First Post-9/11 9/11!"

This is money:

Barack Obama is the president now.


So thank fucking christ that the Commander in Chief is no longer subjecting the nation to death porn.

No, this year it's limited to a nutty little cult leader on basic cable who is encouraging his radicalized band of fanatical followers to invade the cities where the tragedy actually happened in order to shock the populace back into fear.

Glenn Beck is an actual terrorist, and the people attending his rally in DC tomorrow are al-Qaeda in America.

I'd say they don't have the guts to be al-Qaeda. I call them the American Taliban. But on this, reasonable minds can differ.

Other than that, thanks for saying what I've been thinking for years, Alex.

(h/t: Ken Layne)

[Added] Jim Newell has a "9/11 moment" worth remembering, as well.

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