Friday, September 04, 2009

A New Asshole For The Democrats

As in freshly ripped, by James Wolcott, with an assist by Tristero: "I'll Be So Glad When This Summer of Love Is Over."

He's right, and this is not something where all blame can be pinned on Obama. It's a never-ending source of wonder to me how timid the Congressional Dems are when it comes to fighting back, or even more to the point, taking the initiative, especially given the daily lunacy and sheer stupidity that is put forth by the highest ranking Republicans and most prominent conservatives. Man, if we didn't have Barney Frank, we'd have nobody.

Can we please get some of that Chicago thuggery going? I mean, I keep hearing about it, but I've yet to see it, and if we're going to be accused of it, we might as well get the benefits, too.

1 comment:

graz said...

Riley is chagrined... Wolcott is on point as ever... And I'm longing for the "Chicago treatment" too.

Our "representatives" ain't representin'. Throwin' da bums out would be no better than puttin' 'em in. Can somebody remind me again what hope means?
