Friday, September 04, 2009

Texas Edumacation Watch (cont.)

Following up from last month, we are pleased to report that the wingnut-dominated Texas Board of Education continues its efforts to rewrite history textbooks that will likely be used by high-schoolers nationwide.

Short version: Stop talking about civil rights so much! Newt Gingrich is much more important! And Joe McCarthy? Totally not guilty of anything!

However, as TPM and Steve Benen both note, when the current President of the United States wants to address the nation's schoolchildren for a few minutes to remind them of the importance of getting a good education, this is "socialist indoctrination." No, really. Just ask the people of … you guessed it: Texas.

DougJ says:

I went through a phase of being deeply bothered by the fact that the United States doesn’t function as a post-Enlightenment first world country. But I’ve gotten used to it.

Not I.

[Added] Good post from Steve Benen (via) on the "indoctrination" hysteria.


J. A. Baker said...

As a native Texan, I want to apologize for my state. I do not know these hacktacular idiots who keep making my state a national embarrassment.

Unknown said...

Don't worry, J.A. Texas only has a slightly worse case of what afflicts the entire nation. Our days as a global leader are over. We're being dragged back to the Dark Ages by the alliance of oligarchs and the base of the Republican Party.

It's Joe the Plumber's America, now.

Chad said...

Historical narrative is and always will be influenced by politics. Every publicly educated student should be taught to understand the nature of history as a subject of study (and how rhetoric and perception factor in). This is a no-brainer and, unfortunately, probably a pipe dream.
