Wednesday, December 14, 2005

And Speaking of Not Bringing the Funny

The real beauty of surfing while bleary-eyed, as I was reminded late last night, is that you can come across the funniest things. And by "funny" I mean: as in screamingly not. Like, for example, when right wing nuts try to draw political cartoons. And by "draw" I mean: dude, don't give up the Crayolas and fingerpaint just yet.

Don't click on this link.

Now that you've clicked on that link, I apologize for providing it in the first place. That's 20 seconds of your life that you're never going to get back. And what's up with that "nose?" Is this the guy who has been inking the stalls of public restrooms since the invention of the Sharpie?

If you successfully avoided clicking on the above link, then you are just now learning that the author of said content is one Gary Waltrip. I don't know if this is the same guy, but play along for a minute. If you Google "Gary Waltrip," the third most popular link returned points to the home page of "Gary Waltrip, CPA: Have Laptop Will Travel". An obvious Republican. Among other things, he claims a specialty in "404 compliance."


Paid. Not. Found.

Our CPA has an "Articles" page, showing almost three articles. Upon this page of magnificence is also provided a handy tip, in very large letters:

Use back button to return.

You're doing a heck of a job, Brownie Gary.

Who links to pages like this? Besides me, I mean.

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