Thursday, December 15, 2005

Road Rage

So I'm driving to get my oil changed, when I turn a corner onto a side street, see a car parked on the other side, and see a fairly enormous pickup truck coming at me. He's driving down the middle of the road, but neither of us are going that fast, and it looks like there's enough room for us both to pass the parked car. So I ease over and slow down, but don't stop.

The oncoming truck refuses to move over, even though he's got like three feet of room on his right to get past the parked car. So of course it becomes a game of chicken, and neither of us budges, and we both come to a stop. I can see him wildly gesticulating, so I roll down my window. He rolls his down, too, and snarls something that proves the considerable value of a third-grade education.

I say to him, "Listen, my friend. When the obstruction is on your side of the road, I have the right of way. You're the one at fault here. Just take a deep breath, admit that you have BTSP Syndrome, and move on. And, oh yeah, learn how to fucking drive."

Of course, I was safely down the road before I said this.

But he'll read this eventually, I'm sure. When he learns how to read.


2007-05-12 13:35 EDT

Fixed broken link.

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