Saturday, August 26, 2006

Banned words

Extracts from a recent email exchange with TC:


More later I'm whipped tonight.


Admit that, in an earlier age, you might have written
> More later I'm bushed tonight.



I'm whipped and we've all been bushed. LOL :-P

This got me to thinking about the other phrases that I can't bear to say, or even hear other people say, any more. Here are my top three:

  • "..., if you will." (Cheney)

  • "In other words, ..." (W)

  • "I understand that." (W)



Anonymous said...

Randi Rhodes on Air America plays a song every week in which Bush says, "Whatever" to every question. So the idea is that George "W" Bush stands for "whatever." Mr. President, should we bomb Iran? -- Whatever. Mr. President, two thousand Iraqs were killed yesterday. -- Whatever. Just for your entertainment and information -- whatever.

bjkeefe said...

Bob Dole used to be well-known for "whatever," too, especially during the 1996 campaign. (Oh, those kinder, gentler [sic] days ...)

For a complete review, you might enjoy this archived edition of This American Life. (Click the speaker icon on that page.)
