Saturday, August 26, 2006

Signs of the Times

There must be an election coming up or something, because the profusion of lawn signs is out of control here in Rochester. I saw two good ones today:

After about twenty consecutive houses, each with different signs, there was one that said:

For Attorney General

Later in the day, I saw a kid mowing a lawn down the street. He had to repeatedly work around the sign that said:



Anonymous said...

Man, those are some bad ones haha. Here's one I saw...

bjkeefe said...

That picture, and its associated comment, are so funny that I have taken the liberty of repeating your link, pour encourager les autres.

That College Humor site used to be the talk of the Web a few years ago, but I had forgotten all about it.

Merci bien, Matt.

(I don't know what's making these gratuitous french phrases leak out.)
