Lee Siegel recently posted a plea in his blog, asking the world to lighten up a little bit on Mel Gibson, saying, yeah, he's this and he's that, but arguing that he's kind of washed up, and we should be talking about something else.
Naturally, I quickly clicked the "Comments" link. However, williamyard beat me to it:
Hey, don't spoil the fun, dude. We've had a tough coupla years here: Iraq, Iran, Lebanon, North Korea, Katrina, global warming, China hoarding our Treasuries, India taking our jobs. Cheeses Christ, I've had a nagging cough since March.
It seems as if all of Western Civilization is in a slump, its batting average down in the low .200s. But now Gibson has served up a nice hanging curve, belt-high and right over the plate.
Allow us this pathetic chance at catharsis, however shallow and all too brief.
Looking for more cheap thrills, I had a look at Darryl Cagle's collection of other political cartoonists' takes on the small man with the big mouth. I have to say, a disturbingly large fraction of them seem about as anti-Semitic as Mel's ravings.
Here's one of the good ones, though, by Ingrid Rice, out of British Columbia:

Ever since Mel said that he gave Julia Roberts a dead rat when they were filming "Conspiracy Theory" because he "likes to hear women scream," I've been down on Mel.
He did say great things about working with the great Jodie Foster in "Maverick," so that carried him for a little while, in my mind.
But, man, seven children; "Passion of the Christ"; in vino veritas anti-Semetism.
I may have to go back to seeing Woody Allen films instead.
LOL! Or Roman Polanski.
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