Sunday, April 29, 2007

Fun Fact for the Day: 2007-04-29

Comparing one six-year span to another …

Number of subpoenas issued to the executive branch by the House Oversight Committee when Republicans controlled the House and George Bush was president: 4

Number of subpoenas issued to the executive branch by the House Oversight Committee when Republicans controlled the House and Bill Clinton was president: 1000+



Brando said...

Clearly this means Bush is more honest than Clinton ;-)

bjkeefe said...

There is no other possible explanation. After all, it was the Clintonistas who were so corrupt that they even stole the W keys off the keyboards before they left.

Sornie said...

Now if you could compare which length of time had more truly criminal cases swept under the rug...

bjkeefe said...

I'd say a good first-order approximation would be to compute 1000 - 4.
