Thursday, September 27, 2007

Get FRCed

I've mentioned my distaste for Tony Perkins once or twice before. If that name doesn't ring a bell, he's the head of the FRC. Some would say this expands to Family Research Council. I think of it as Freaks Rewriting Christ.

To that end, I am very happy to note the Rude Pundit's latest take on Perkins. Perkins, it seems, wants to mobilize prayer teams against Hillary Clinton's health care proposal, not to mention renewal of SCHIP, because it would mean …

…higher taxes for rich people.

I'll let the Rude Pundit take it from here.

NB: If you're new to the RP, be aware that Rude means Rude. But, as in virtually all of his posts, what he criticizes is far more obscene than his prose.

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