Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Time for Another Exciting Round of Dumb or Dishonest?

Brought to you, of course, by the Straight Talk Express!

Remember the "gas tax holiday?" Remember how anyone who could count past ten without needing to remove shoes understood that it's a stupid idea? Remember how it saves practically nothing for consumers -- even in the rosiest of scenarios -- and how it will mean the loss of billions of dollars from the highway fund, not to mention thousands of road construction jobs?

And remember how the rosy scenario isn't going to happen, anyway, because those who sell the gas will be all too happy to bump the prices back up to where they were with the tax, and pocket the extra profit?

Remember how     Not.     One.     Economist.     could be found who would say that this was a good idea, the last time it came up?

Evidently, John McCain does not. Is this leadership we can believe in?

1 comment:

Daniel said...

To quote John McCain himself "Thats not change we can believe in." Find something else, like ending a certain war, to make the prices go down.
