Saturday, August 22, 2009

Jon Voight, Now Even More of a Wingnut

We've mentioned Jon Voight (the man Angelina Jolie couldn't bear to have as a father) and his descent into Full Metal Wingnuttery twice before. First, it was "Obama sowing socialist seeds in young people." Next, it was "Obama really thinks he is a soft-spoken Julius Caesar. He thinks he's going to conquer the world with his soft-spoken sweet talk."

Looks like the slide continues. Now he's asking, "Is Obama creating a civil war in America?"

This and other pronouncements delivered (oh yeah, socialism gets mentioned, as does Alinsky, as does ACORN!!!1!) while Voight was on his way to do a couple of wrap-ourselves-in-The-Troops™ shindigs.

With Sean Hannity.

(h/t: TBogg)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

What Voight appears to really be saying is that he is *hoping* for a civil war. Or, to be more precise, he has the wish, shared by many other Republicans, for an armed uprising to murder his political opponents.

I really don't think any other interpretation makes as much sense. This is part and parcel of where the conservative movement is headed.

Of course, they will not act on their fantasies, save for a lone wkacko here and there, because they are afraid of law enforcement, and because they wouldn't have the support of the American people. But quite clearly many conservatives wish they could forgo the difficult political work of regaining the trust of the American people and winning power back at the polls, and instead just kill Democrats.
