Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Line of the Day: 2009-08-18

Do you know Mickey like we know Mickey?

It was a typically Kausian post, not only for its strained contrarianism but more for its complete failure of predictive value.
     -- Josh Marshall

Pithiness of the above aside, the whole post is worth reading. It's a short commentary on the apparent growth in the threat of right-wing violence, and it's a good one, both in the view it defends and in its delivery -- I could just as easily have taken a couple of other snippets for the LotD.

(h/t: Twin, via PM)


Substance McGravitas said...

It'd be more swell if Kausfiles wasn't a TPM "approved" website.

John Evo said...

Well, you know how I feel. Political violence from the right is just a matter of time and magnitude.

bjkeefe said...

@John: Agreed.

@SM: Heh. They took him off that list once -- I remember Mickey complaining about this on Bloggingheads.tv. I guess they put him back just to stop the whining?

Jack said...

Didn't Mickey actually confront Josh about that in a diavlog they did together? Or did I dream that?

I do remember when that whole thing happened; Josh blamed it on one of his interns or co-ops or low-level employees....

Mickey was pretty desperate about it.

Jack said...

Actually I think what I'm remembering is Mickey whining about it to (must have been) Bob, and describing his conversation about it with Josh, how Josh agreed to put the link back, etc. I think it was actually a topic of at least a couple diavlogs: one before the link was put back, and another after.
