Tuesday, July 04, 2006

HH, again

Heather Havrilesky has her latest column up on Salon, just in time for Independence Day.

When was the last time that you read a piece of TV criticism that started by quoting Thomas Jefferson, and then had lines like these?

Indeed, the "unbounded exercise of reason and freedom of opinion" is all well and good, as long as we agree with that reasoning and those opinions. If we don't, then the parties in question should have no more rights than a stray dog with a biting problem. And once such a dog is deemed dangerous, let's face it, it requires the presence of a greedy, arrogant overlord to police its every move henceforth. Luckily, we're just the nation for the job!

I'm proud of us, aren't you, chickens? We've evolved from headstrong, scrappy rebels burdened by unnecessary ideals to greedy, arrogant overlords unfettered by the shackles of conscience in just a little more than two centuries! That's some serious overachieving if you ask me. Where would all of those nasty, biting dogs of the Middle East be without the shining example of freedom and independence we set for them? Who could possibly lead them to the promised land of reason and freedom, besides us, with our sophisticated navigational systems and our many drive-thrus serving up freedom fries 24 hours a day?

Go read the whole piece.

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