Thursday, April 03, 2008

Pet Peeve Ishin

In support of a dream, I have added my name to a petition to urge Michael Goldfarb to put his rifle where his cannon-sized mouth is. I encourage you to do the same. Who knows? Might work.

Goldfarb, if you don't already know, is the Online Editor of The Weekly Standard. He is but one of many in that cesspool of neocon "thought" who thinks the answer to all questions of foreign policy is more bombing. His shallow attitude and lack of any military service is characteristic of the frat-boy mentality of so many supporters of the Bush/Cheney way of doing things. Goldfarb is all for boots on the ground everywhere, provided his feet don't have to be in them.

If you'd like a taste of why I find him so repugnant, his most recent appearance on should serve. It's also worth watching to see what happens when he has to debate someone who actually has a clue; in this case, Robert Farley of LGM.

BTW, there are other people with the same name (e.g.), unfortunately for them.

1 comment:

Eponym said...

Damn I signed the darn thing, but it didn't even occur to me to link to the petition. Duh. Ok, done.
