Sunday, May 25, 2008

Okay, Now I Know Two

Thanks to Georg Cantor, I have known א for years.

Just saw an ad which should help another letter of the Hebrew alphabet stick in memory, almost as easy as pi:

Hei Maintenance

Which also suggests an upgrade path for certain LOLcats.

(help me)

1 comment:

The Exterminator said...

Actually, now you know three. The T-shirt has two letters. Reading from right to left, they are -- according to the Random House Dictionary's transliteration -- cheth and yod, which forms a word that means "living," and is pronounced chai (with the "ch" guttural). You might recognize that word as being part of the Hebrew toast "L'chaim," which means "to life."

Also, in the Hebrew system of numeration, based on the counting off of the alphabet, "chai" = 8 (cheth) + 10 (yod) = 18. Which is why 18 is an important "mystical" number to many Jews.

Aren't you glad you asked?
