Saturday, May 17, 2008

Might as well add to the collection

Here's a couple of mashups of Young BillO's meltdown, which you may have already seen. But in case not …

First, via World O' Crap, here's the "producer's view:"

(alt. video link)

Next, via Jiminy Jilliker!, here's the musical version (I think I linked to the audio-only version of this a few days back, but this it's a song worth hearing again, and the video is pretty funny:

(alt. video link)

I love that this thing is becoming sticky. Couldn't have happened to a less nice guy.

Note: In case you missed it: the original, unretouched video can be seen on Wonkette.

1 comment:

Sornie said...

That first one is hilarious because the "producer" says what everyone is thinking.
