Friday, May 16, 2008

Sanity Break

Or, more precisely, a break from sanity.

First up, via TPM, right-winger meltdown:

(alt. video link)

Next, the greatest hits (so far) of Clinton campaign chairman Terry McAuliffee:

(alt. video link)


Anonymous said...

I was watching that Chris Matthews show when that radio talk show host came on. I switched to SG-1 as soon as he began speaking. A male Ann Coulture, willing to say anything provocative that would increase his ratings. It was plainly evident in his cartoonish gestures, voice and body language. He himself believed nothing of what he was saying, it was all produced for its hoped for effect. Like McCain's pronouncements of late.

The real issue is how stupid you have to be to consider yourself a conservative these days, and to attend to this sort of bilge. And I ask this as a man who voted straight GOP for over 25 years...

bjkeefe said...

Wow. John Cole has nothing on you. Well said.
