Saturday, March 14, 2009

Mnemonic Colonic

Having momentarily lost track of which wingnut is which, I Googled Alicia Colon (because) and saw that Gawker has a whole category devoted to her, but that being one of those money-grubbing blogs, Ad Sense ads came first:

Alicia Colon reminds me of ...(enlarge image)

Of course, this proves Google's liberal bias.

(smaller pic. source) ← YOU MUST CLICK THIS LINK

1 comment:

Zo Kwe Zo said...

Mr. Steele almost won against Benjamin Cardin until Parkinson's sufferer Michael J. Fox came to town and played the sympathy card, falsely alleging that Mr. Steele was against stem cell research. To this day many voters still do not understand the difference between embryonic and adult stem cell research.

How is it that Republocrats think that if you're a K-street lobbyist looking to save your client beaucoup bucks then you have a Constitutional right to free speech, whereas if you are a private citizen advocating against research that might save your own life then you are "playing the sympathy card"?

And, for the record, I, like most Americans, do "understand the difference between embryonic and adult stem cell research". I just don't see an important difference.

To (mis)quote Alan Sorkin: "Your problem is not that I don't get it. Your problem is that you can't sell it."
