Friday, March 13, 2009


Here is the full interview of Jim Cramer by Jon Stewart. Score one for the good guys. (Click the headings/links if the embedded clips don't work for you.)


Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

The edited portion that aired can be seen on HuffPo, for example. Thanks, Twin, for the emailed heads-up.

[Added] Rats beginning to flee?

1 comment:

ArtSparker said...

Fascinating to watch. A completely unequal conversation/interview - Stewart smarter and letting his grownup take charge, while Cramer (with his unfortunately juvenile voice) stuck to the language of a child who has been caught in a lie. And has been remarked elsewhere, it was about the media pretending to give advice instead of hawking the financial instruments of the behemoths.

Although, if the people watching these snake oil salesmen woke up a little bit - well, talking heads on T.V. are not your Mom and Dad who only want you to be happy.
