Friday, March 06, 2009

The Stupid Continues

The wingnuts' OUTRAGE!!!1! of the day? Michelle Obama went to help out at a soup kitchen, and some guy took a picture of her with a cell phone. "How do those homeless people have cell phones?" shrieked the usual suspects, perhaps obviously not considering the possibility that the guy was not homeless, and came in just to see the First Lady. Or, if he was, that maybe fallout from the Bush Administration's handling of the economy for the past eight years has only recently put him in that position.

Wonkette and War Room have more details.

I would love for Michelle Malkin, Kathryn Jean Lopez, and Kathy Shaidle to spend a few months not knowing where their next meals were coming from.

Actually, I'd like them to die in fires, but that seems like a mean thing to say.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you, thank you. I've not laughed that well in quite some time. - Renee
