Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Bleg: Your Favorite Post?

Jon Swift, the Web's most reasonable conservative, has invited me to submit what I think was my best blog post of this past year. He plans to do a wrap-up of the best blog posts from everyone on his blogroll, as he did last year. He's a good guy in that way, among many others. I am honored that he has asked me to participate.

If anything I wrote this past year comes to mind, please drop a note in the Comments or shoot me an email about it. You need not find the exact link if you can describe it. (More precisely than "that one about Obama," I mean.)



Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Tough one. There are a couple of posts that just had me rolling with laughter, and I think humor is the best kind of submission in a situation like this. But I'd have to re-read your whole blog to find those.

My favorite posts of your are these two:

Corpus Crikey
Sad Day

I'm sure there are many others that are just as good or better, but these are the ones that come to mind off the top of my head.

Anonymous said...

Actually, I might nominate this one, instead:

Great Jugs

Anonymous said...

A second to all 3 of twin's choices. Any of them would be an excellent choice of good writing. I'm especially fond of Sad Day. I'm not sure what the collection is supposed to demonstrate. I would say all of these are personal rather than political. That's not bad, but they aren't particularly "liberal" demonstrations of leftist blogs. If the intent of the collection is to show liberal bloggers who write well and with feeling and aren't always political and thus worth a read by conservatives any of these would be an excellent choice and are among my favorites as well. If the purpose of the collection is to demonstrate intelligent, well written political thought on the other side, I thought the several pieces on General McCaffery were well done and taking on a quasi icon of the left. Those would be good examples of fair and objective writing coming from the left. They don't have the emotional appeal of the 3 Twin nominated, and I can't say the General moves me as the others do and wouldn't be one of my favorites but conservative readers might respond to it, and perhaps it's more typical of a politically oriented blog. Just food for thought, I certainly wouldn't urge it above the other suggestions. My personal favorite is Sad Say.

I think you should be writing a syndicated column once a week in papers nationwide. I don't see anything out there that's any better than what I see on your blog each day.

bjkeefe said...

Thanks for your suggestions and your kind words, T 'n' T.

Here are the ones I winnowed it down to, if you're interested:

You Had A Whole Week And That's All You Got?

Snides Of March

Corpus Crikey

Nice Jugs

Third Man

For Fans Only, Maybe

Rarely Is The Question Asked: Is Our Republican Candidates Learning?

Has "Farfallegate" Doomed The McCain Presidency?

This Is Not Me Blogging About Sarah Palin. This Is Me Blockquoting About Sarah Palin.

Discussing the Damon Video

Sad Day

A couple of them -- "Rarely" and "This Is Not Me" -- were more because I was proud of the research than the writing.

Some I discarded because the associated furor has since died down and the posts don't seem to stand up as a consequence. I ended up narrowing it down to the three that Twin suggested, plus "For Fans." I ended up going with "Corpus Crikey," for no reason that I can articulate.
