Monday, June 01, 2009

Just Numbers. There is No Such Thing as Right-Wing Extremism.

Following up from earlier, here's this, from wiscmass over at the GOS, yesterday:

All told, according to statistics provided by the National Abortion Federation and not including this morning's murder, since 1977, there have been seven murders, 17 attempted murders, 41 bombings, 175 arsons, 96 attempted bombings or arsons, 390 invasions, 1400 cases of vandalism, 1993 cases of trespassing, 100 butyric acid attacks, 659 anthrax threats, 179 cases of assault and battery, 406 death threats, four kidnappings, 151 burglaries, and 525 cases of stalking specifically directed at clinics, their workers, or their volunteers in the US and Canada. That's over 6,100 cases of terrorist activity by the "pro-life" movement. And that's just what was reported -- the actual numbers are probably much higher.

(h/t: Attaturk)

1 comment:

John Evo said...

I was thinking about this and wondering what the numbers were. Thanks for providing!
