Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Remember the good old days, when candidates had the dignity to announce their candidacies on Jay Leno's show?

Well, get with the program, geezer. Here is an exciting new Twitter account that you will certainly want to follow obsessively:

(enlarge image)

That "cjohnston2112" is some Minnesota Republican lawyer named Christopher Johnston, who is thinking about contesting Michele Bachmann in the next Republican primary, apparently being held one hundred three years from now. Slow and steady wins the race! And by then, he should be able to figure out how to upload a picture of himself, to Twitter! And correctly spell the name of his opponent!

You will also want to read, nay, subscribe to his blog, where the debut entry dishes:

Yes, that Michelle Bachmann - the hiding in the bushes during a gay rally, the "anti-American" hurling, malaprop spouting, they took me out of context, Congress woman.


... and the most recent entry speaks ominously about his already being …

… contacted by several "very active Republicans" who are worried that should I run that the "DFLers will line up..." to vote for me in the primary just to beat Bachmann …

Democratic Football League? Demons From Lutheranchurches? Who knows what these nameless very active Republicans are worried about these days?

Good luck not getting eated like an hors d'oeuvre by Republican Party leader Rush Limbaugh, Mr. Johnston! I know our Wonkettes are thrilled with this news, and now thanks to them, so am I.


bjkeefe said...

There is some chance that this is a hoax, to be sure, but let's hope for the best!

Also, if you're wondering, I obtained the link under "lawyer" in the main post via his Blogger profile. (Or "his.")

bjkeefe said...

And yes, I know DFL = Democratic Farm Labor (Party). Don't make me come over there and give you a wedgie.

bjkeefe said...

More credibility via the Minnesota Independent.
