Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Democrats Pull Off Legislative Coup!
(Entire Blogosphere Faints.)

Maybe we should promote all the Tennessee Dems to the big leagues.

Shoutout to Representative Kent Williams. Ballsy move. Always delighted to see a Republican stand up to the wingnut branch of your party.


Anonymous said...

I live in the Tennessee Valley, and 'We Do Stupid Purposely' could be on the state license plate. There is only one issue here that matters to the voters, and that is finding some way to outlaw abortion. They will consistently vote the worst legislators into office if they will stick to that pledge. The economy can be tanking, the educational system is in a shambles, there's no work of any moment, but none of that matters.

It's freaky here.

bjkeefe said...

Sheesh. I would have felt bad to have guessed that out loud.
