Wednesday, April 08, 2009

"Grassroots," Republican-Style

NOM, NOM, NOM!   Seen the new hate teh gheys ad put out by the so-called "National Organization For Marriage?" Steve M. finds the talking points (read: tips on how to lie) on NOM's website, and later links to an article from the Human Rights Campaign that debunks the lies in the ad. For even more hilarity, HRC has links to videos posted on YouTube that show actors auditioning for the ad.

Teabaggers!   Media Matters documents the promotional efforts on behalf of those conservatard protest gatherings about … who knows? who cares? … being made by the "news" network that brings you "Fair and Balanced" and "We Report. You Decide."

Update:  Oliver digs up another nugget: The president of NOM is that fake journalist from the Bush Administration's payroll. No, not James "Jeff Gannon" Guckert. No, not Armstrong Williams. The other one: Maggie Gallagher.

1 comment:

Righteous Bubba said...

Y'know, "We Decide, You Report" is a pretty good description of how the echo chamber works...
