Friday, April 17, 2009

Mmmm ... Smell the Hate

What I said earlier? About how Real Republicans hate John McCain and Steve Schmidt and now Steve Schmidt was likely going to be in the wingnuts' crosshairs for saying the GOP should drop opposition to same-sex marriage?

It's already begun.

Riehl World View headlines, "McCain Guru? Is That An Oxymoron, Or What?" Riehl continues:

Hey, you have to give him points for courage, ... or stupidity. If I were billing myself as a "top McCain adviser" I'd probably be afraid to stick my head up on anything for a few more years. Funny how McCain Blawghette is pushing this, too. But what else are they going to do when they aren't spreading rumors about Palin?

This is the very same GOP establishment we have to combat. [...] When the GOP starts siding with liberal judges over the people, stick a fork in it, it's done. Just as McCain was done, in part, thanks to this idiot's advice.

American Power says:

I don't know how the party's going to reconcile the "postmodern conservative" push by many top GOP officials and strategists …

... interjects with some butt-covering (heh, not intentional) about how he doesn't actually hate teh gheys, and goes on:

… I see this ideological shift only strengthening the forces of sectarian radicalism on the left …

He probably meant secular, don't you think? Which then seems a little redundant, but maybe the right has a branch of secular radicalism, too? Who knows. Anyway, he goes on to introduce a humungously long blockquote with:

Rod Dreher had a great interview with Maggie Gallagher …

... which, if you know anything about those two homophobes, you stop reading at the word "great" and remove whatever doubts you had about American Power, too.

One of Erick Erickson's lieutenants in the RedState Trike Force begins by excusing John McCain's daughter (the "Blawghette," as wit Dan Riehl calls her) for suggesting that the GOP consider joining the 21st century:

I will give Meghan McCain a pass. She’s young, naïve and out of her league discussing conservativism and political strategy.

Charitable! And not at all patronizing! He then waves some statistics around (was there a reference link? You have to ask?), reminds his readers of the "crushing" Mormom-bought victory of Prop H8 in California, and concludes:

McCain lost. Gay marriage lost. Loser squared does not equal winner.

... which is too obvious even for me to touch.

Another one of the Trike Force begins:

Heckuva job Steve.

Hey! He stole that bit of mockery from us libtards! SUE HIM. (Oh, wait, I forgot. Real Republicans hate George Bush now, too.) He then rambles on forever, giving the kind of campaign strategy Steve Schmidt would follow, if only he didn't "suck" and need to "STFU" and wasn't "a double agent planted by Howard Dean," and somewhere in there, he suggests:

Maybe we could even run more transgendered candidates.

I'm guessing that's supposed to be sarcasm, but what is this "more?"

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