Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Children of the Con

Richard Dawkins has said religion is a form of child abuse. Seems a little extreme, doesn't it?

Or not. Have a look at this.

[Added] And be sure to follow the link in the Comments. Thanks, Alastair.


Anonymous said...

Once upon a time I lived in Denver and I know that museum very well (it's a good'un). At first I was worried that the museum itself had been overrun by IDiots, but thankfully not.

In other religious child abuse news...

bjkeefe said...

One thing to be proud of, as members of the reality-based community, is the willingness of the museum to let the fundies roam free. It indicates a lack of desire to engage in mind control, for one thing, and as I think the curator pointed out, there's always the chance that some of those kids will have the same eye-opening experience he did.

And speaking of mind control, thanks for the link. This phrase jumped right out:

They cannot marry outside the group, and have no access to newspapers, magazines or TV.

as did this moment of irony:

"We are devoted believers in Jesus Christ, and we use the Old Testament as the blueprint for our lives."

Funny. Didn't Jesus spend most of his time disparaging the extreme aspects of the Old Testament, and isn't that why there exists a New Testament?

Nobody beats a fundie when it comes to picking cherries, that's for sure.

One question from the article: Is barramundi anything like barracuda?
